Category Archives: Health Care

Anal Fistula Symptoms and Treatment

Fistula treatment in Hyderabad by Dr. Datta Ram U

Anal Fistula – The glands lining the anus from inside makes mucus. When these glands get clogged, they become infected leading to an abscess.

Fistula is a small tunnel or channel that develops in the anal region. It is often a result of an infection that causes a collection of pus (abscess) in the nearby anal tissue. A small channel is left behind when the pus drains away. Anal fistula causes very unpleasant and disgusting symptoms including skin irritation, pain, bleeding, and oozing of pus. These symptoms do not get better on their own. In most cases, surgery is recommended to treat anal fistula.

Anal Fistula Symptoms

The signs and symptoms associated with anal fistula include:

  • Bowel incontinence – difficulty in controlling bowel movements
  • Passing blood and pus during bowel movements
  • Inflammation, redness, and swelling around the anus
  • Fever – if an abscess develops
  • Chills and a feeling of fatigue
  • Smelly discharge from near the anus
  • Skin irritation around the anus
  • Persistent, nagging, and throbbing pain that may become worse with cough, movement, sitting, or moving around.

What causes an anal fistula?

Anal fistula causes: Anal abscess is the main reason behind the development of anal fistula. Most of the time, an anal fistula may result when the abscess doesn’t heal properly.

An anal fistula may also develop less commonly as a consequence of a long-term skin condition (hidradenitis suppurative) that causes scarring and abscesses near the anus. The other less common causes of the anal fistula may include diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, HIV infection, trauma, radiation treatment, tuberculosis, cancer, and also as a result of complications of surgery near the anus.

Diagnosis of Anal Fistula

Your gastro surgeon examines the area around your anus and looks for an opening in the skin. Next, the doctor will see the opening of the fistula track and try to determine how deep it is. In a majority of cases, pus drains out of the external opening. In some cases, a fistula may not be visible on your skin surface. Therefore, to diagnose a fistula, your surgical gastroenterologist may perform additional tests such as an anoscopy or colonoscopy. Your gastro surgeon may also order an ultrasound or MRI of the anal region to get a better picture of the fistula tract.

Anal fistula Treatment in Hyderabad

The gold standard treatment for anal fistula is surgery. It is almost always recommended by well-experienced and expert colorectal surgeons and surgical gastroenterologists specializing in colorectal surgery. An expert colorectal surgeon’s goal is to perform surgery tactically and diligently to get rid of the fistula while protecting the anal sphincter muscles. If these muscles get damaged bowel incontinence may result.

Best fistula treatment in Hyderabad

The aim of the surgery for an anal fistula is to ensure that the anal sphincter muscle is safe during the procedure. The most common procedure is fistulotomy which involves cutting and opening the fistula along its whole length so that it heals as a flat scar. It is the most effective procedure for most fistulas.

The other procedures for the treatment of fistula include Seton technique, advancement flap procedure (the fistula is covered with a flap, or piece of tissue, taken from the rectum, like a trap door), LIFT procedure, LASER surgery for fistula, Endoscopic ablation and the insertion of a bioprosthetic plug.

Meet Dr. Datta Ram U for the best treatment of anal fistula. You can discuss all of your treatment options with Dr. Datta Ram U.

Abdominal Adhesions – Symptoms & Treatment

Abdominal adhesions causes, symptoms, and treatment

Abdominal adhesions are nothing but bands of tissue or scar-like tissue that form in the abdomen. The scar-like tissue forms between one or more abdominal organs or between the abdominal wall and organs.

Normally abdominal organs surfaces and abdominal wall do not stick together. But abdominal adhesions can make the surfaces of abdominal organs and abdominal wall stick together. This happens when you move. This may lead to abdominal pain and other symptoms.

Abdominal adhesions causes intestinal blockage or obstruction and other complications that may lead to symptoms. They can pull, twist, kink, or compress other organs or intestines.

Abdominal Adhesions Causes

Abdominal adhesions are common as they mostly develop in people who have had abdominal surgery done. In most cases, abdominal adhesions do not develop any symptoms or complications. Inflammatory conditions and abdominal infections can also cause abdominal adhesions. The other causes of abdominal adhesions may include peritonitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, diverticular disease, and Crohn’s disease.

Long-term peritoneal dialysis to treat kidney failure can also cause abdominal adhesions.

What are the symptoms of abdominal adhesions?

The signs and symptoms associated with abdominal adhesions may include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, not passing gas, constipation, and bloating. Intestinal obstruction or blockage may lead to peritonitis. This may lead to fever and a fast heart rate. Chronic abdominal pain is the major symptom.

Complications associated with Abdominal adhesions

Intestinal obstruction can be a life-threatening complication associated with abdominal adhesion. Due to obstruction or partial or complete blockage of fluids, air, food, or stool through the intestines death of intestinal tissues occur. It can also lead to the infection of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis).

Intestinal obstruction can cause severe complications. Therefore, people with chronic abdominal pain, passing no gas, fluids, or stool should seek medical attention immediately.

In women, abdominal adhesions can lead to infertility by blocking or compressing the reproductive organs.

Diagnosis of Abdominal Adhesions

Doctors take into account the medical history of the patient including the past history of abdominal conditions or surgery. During a physical examination, the doctor checks for pain and tenderness in the abdomen and uses a stethoscope to listen to abdominal sounds. To make a diagnosis of the condition, the doctor may order blood tests and imaging tests (abdominal ultrasound and CT).

Bottom Line

Abdominal adhesions are less common after laparoscopic surgery than after open surgery. If abdominal adhesions don’t cause symptoms or complications, they typically don’t need treatment. To release adhesions that are causing chronic abdominal pain and other symptoms -such as intestinal obstruction, surgical gastroenterologists perform surgery. Doctors who treat abdominal adhesions are specialists in abdominal adhesion surgery.

If you have any queries pertaining to abdominal adhesions, meet me personally.

Esophageal Spasms – Causes, Risk & Treatment

Causes of esophageal spasms: Esophagus has muscular walls and is lined with mucus membranes. Esophageal muscles contract abnormally causing esophageal spasms. When this occurs, the food reaches your stomach with great difficulty. Esophageal spasms are rare.

Causes of esophageal spasms

Esophageal muscles flex and relax normally. A wave of coordinated contractions lets the food or liquid move down the stomach. This process is known as peristalsis. If a person has esophageal spasms, contractions don’t work normally. Thus, abnormal contractions make it difficult for food or liquid to move through the esophagus.

The following are the main types of esophageal spasms:

Distal or diffuse esophageal spasm: In this type, abnormal muscle contractions occur in the lower part of the esophagus. Regurgitation occurs, wherein swallowed liquid or food comes back up the esophagus.

Nutcracker esophagus:  Strong or forceful muscle contractions cause jackhammer or nutcracker esophagus. It is associated with pain while swallowing food or liquid. The pain is often severe and it may feel like squeezing chest pain.

Why you should not ignore esophageal spasms?

Esophageal spasms cause pain and swallowing difficulty. Though they are disruptive, esophageal spasms are not considered as a serious health issue.

Swallowing difficulty, heartburn and pain are often the signs of chronic acid reflux or GERD. It is therefore better to evaluate the causes of your symptoms by consulting an experienced gastroenterologist.

Esophageal spasms symptoms mimic the symptoms of a heart attack

Take action immediately and seek emergency medical care if you experience:

  • Severe chest pain
  • Tightness or heaviness in the chest
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations
  • Cold sweats
  • Pain in the shoulder arm or neck
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting

Causes of esophageal spasms

The exact cause of esophageal spasms is not clear. They are however believed to be related to abnormal functioning of the nerves that control esophageal muscles.

Anxiety and depression, very hot or cold foods, certain drinks, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and certain treatments – such as esophageal surgery, and radiation therapy can also cause esophageal spasms.

Diagnosis of esophageal spasms

Esophageal manometry test measures rhythmic muscle contractions (the force and coordination of esophageal muscles) of the esophagus. It also measures the functioning of the esophageal sphincter (flex and relaxation of the esophageal sphincter during a swallow).

Upper endoscopy: A gastroenterologist uses a flexible thin tube mounted with a light and camera (an endoscope) to see the inside of the esophagus and stomach. The doctor collects a tissue sample (biopsy) during an endoscopy procedure for laboratory analysis to test for other esophageal diseases.

Barium swallow

A doctor orders X-rays after a person drinks or swallows a chalky liquid (barium solution) to look for any narrowing (stricture) in the esophagus. The liquid coats and fills the inner lining of the digestive tract. This helps the gastroenterologist to see the silhouette of the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine. While barium moves down the esophagus, it slows down or gets stuck in a narrowing or stricture is present in the esophagus.

Bottom Line

Esophageal spasms can sometimes cause symptoms that look very similar to a heart attack. A heart attack can be life-threatening if not treated right away. Therefore, if you experience severe chest pain and breathing difficulty seek emergency medical care straightaway.

Consult an experienced gastroenterologist if you experience the signs and symptoms of esophageal spasms. An underlying cause such as GERD could be the cause of this condition. Therefore, treating the underlying cause is the first line of defense against the symptoms. It is also important to adopt healthy habits and lifestyles – such as managing weight, healthy eating, and proper rest. In most cases, though the cause of esophageal spasms remains unknown they can usually be treated effectively.

If you have any symptoms or issues related to esophageal spasms, meet Dr. Datta Ram U personally for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Appendicitis Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Appendicitis causes

The appendix is a finger-shaped pouch. It emerges from the colon and is located on the lower right side of your abdomen. Inflammation of the appendix is known as appendicitis.

If you have appendicitis, you will feel pain in your lower right abdomen.

Pain can also begin around your navel and then moves towards the right. Abdominal pain due to appendicitis can become intense and severe as inflammation worsens. Children and adults develop appendicitis quite often. However, it can develop at any age.

What are the symptoms of appendicitis?

The most common or typical signs and symptoms of appendicitis may include the following:

  • Pain on the right side of the lower abdomen
  • Sudden pain can also begin around your navel and then radiate to your lower right abdomen
  • Pain can become worse when you walk, move and make jarring movements
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Low-grade fever

What are the causes of appendicitis?

Appendicitis causes: An infection due to a blockage in the lining of the appendix is the potential cause of appendicitis. Rapidly multiplying bacteria cause inflammation in the appendix making it swell and fill up with pus. In the absence of prompt treatment, the appendix can rupture.

What are the complications?

The complications associated with appendicitis include a ruptured appendix. When an appendix ruptures, the infection spreads throughout the abdomen (peritonitis). An experienced surgical gastroenterologist performs emergency surgery to remove the appendix

How is appendicitis diagnosed?

Your surgical gastroenterologist will take into consideration all your signs and symptoms and then examine your abdomen. Your doctor will do a physical examination to assess your pain. He or she will apply gentle pressure on the painful area. After releasing the pressure, the pain will become worse and signals the inflammation of the peritoneum. Your doctor may also examine your rectum – a digital rectal examination. Your doctor may also order a blood test, urine test, and other imaging tests such as an ultrasound or a CT, or MRI.

What is the standard treatment for appendicitis?

The standard treatment for appendicitis is the surgical removal of the appendix.

If an appendix bursts and an abscess form around it, your doctor drains out the abscess by placing a tube through the abdominal wall. The gastro surgeon will also give antibiotics to clear the infection. Appendectomy can be performed several weeks later after controlling the infection.

Crohn’s Disease Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Crohn’s disease symptoms | Complications | Dr. Datta Ram U

Crohn’s disease causes inflammation (swelling in the tissues of the digestive tract). It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Crohn’s disease can be debilitating and painful. It affects different areas of the digestive tract in different people. Any part of the large intestine or small intestine is involved. In some people, the disease is only in the colon. The inflammation most commonly affects the small intestine. It can also spread to the deeper layers of the bowel.

Crohn’s disease symptoms

The signs and symptoms can be mild, moderate to severe. Symptoms manifest gradually, but, in some cases, symptoms come on suddenly. There may be periods of no signs and symptoms in between (remission). The typical signs and symptoms include:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Malnutrition
  • Abdominal pain
  • Severe diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Reduced appetite
  • Mouth sores
  • Blood in stool
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue

Unusual Signs and Symptoms

In some cases, Crohn’s disease symptoms are reported outside the intestinal tract. Some people with severe Crohn’s disease may experience iron deficiency anemia, kidney stones, inflammation of the bile duct or liver; inflammation of skin, eyes, and joints. In children delayed growth and sexual development is seen.

Crohn’s Disease Causes

The exact cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown, but stress, anxiety, and diet can aggravate the condition. Many experts believe that there are several factors that play a role in the development of Crohn’s disease – for instance: the immune system and heredity.

The risk factors for Crohn’s disease may include age, family history, lifestyle, ethnicity, and other habits such as smoking and the use of NSAIDs.

Complications of Crohn’s Disease

Malnutrition: When you have persistent cramping, diarrhea and abdominal pain, you will not eat properly and your intestine doesn’t absorb enough nutrients. Therefore, you may develop anemia, low iron, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

Anal Fissures: If you have constipation and painful bowel movements – a small tear occurs in the tissue that lines the anus. It may lead to infection and painful bowel movements.

Fistulas: These are abnormal connections that can develop near or around the anus (perianal).

Ulcers: Open sores or ulcers can develop anywhere in the digestive tract – mouth, intestine or anus, or in the genital area (perineum).

Other problems:  Gallbladder or liver disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, and anemia (low iron) are some of the other health conditions associated with Crohn’s disease.

Skin disorders:  Hidradenitis suppurativa is a condition seen in some people with Crohn’s disease. It is a skin disorder with deep nodules and abscesses in the armpits, groin, and under the breasts or in the genital or perianal region.

Blood Clots: The risk of the formation of blood clots increases in the arteries if a person has Crohn’s disease.

Diagnosis of Crohn’s disease

The diagnosis of Crohn’s disease is made only after ruling out the other possible causes for the signs and symptoms. Your gastroenterologist may recommend several tests to rule out the cause of other health conditions and diagnose Crohn’s disease.

Blood tests include test to check for anemia and infections, and to check liver function. A stool test may be recommended to look for hidden (occult) blood, infections, or parasites.

Colonoscopy: To have a complete view of the entire colon, your doctor uses a thin, flexible, lighted tube with a camera at the end is used. Your doctor also takes tissue sample (biopsy) for laboratory analysis. Spotting of granulomas (clusters of inflammatory cells) indicates Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s Disease Treatment

Treatment helps in reducing signs and symptoms. It can provide relief from persistent inflammation and bring long-term remission. However, there is no permanent cure for Crohn’s disease. Furthermore, no single treatment works for everyone. The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation that prompts the signs and symptoms and to improve long-term prognosis by restricting complications.

Medical treatment involves anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antidiarrheal drugs, pain relievers, vitamins, and minerals supplements. If drug therapy, diet, lifestyle changes, or other treatments don’t relieve your signs and symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgery.

When should you see a doctor?

If you notice any changes in your bowel habits with any of the typical signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease such as diarrhea lasting more than two weeks, nausea and vomiting, blood in your stool, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and also fever – then see your doctor.