Piles Laser Treatment In Hyderabad (Hemorrhoids) by Dr.Datta Ram U
Haemorrhoids are also known as piles. They are enlarged (swollen) blood vessels around the anus and lower rectum. They are akin to varicose veins. Haemorrhoids are of two types: internal haemorrhoids (develop inside the rectum) and external haemorrhoids (develop around the anus). Mostly they are present around the bottom of the rectum or anus. Haemorrhoid, in many cases, are asymptomatic – may be people don’t realize even if they cause some symptoms.
Piles or haemorrhoids
Piles are common in many people. Symptoms of piles include pain, irritation, itching and sometimes blood in stools. The other common symptoms include inflammation in the anal and rectal region where veins become bulged, exposed out or sometimes swollen.
What are the causes of piles?
The main culprit for piles is your unhealthy bowel movements and frequent stomach upset over a period of time. Often many people ignore constipation when it becomes a routine, and in addition to this, they neglect their lifestyle and eating habits. Constipation and irregular bowel movements gradually aggravate the problem leading to hard stool and when you apply strain and pressure to pass the stool, the blood circulation in the veins lining your rectal and anal region increases. They bulge and become varicose vein and over a period of time lead to internal and external piles. External piles are painful and they appear around the lining of anus. Internal piles are less painful and sometimes become painful once they come out of the anus.
The other causes include unhealthy life style, sedentary life, excessive work, consumption of diet less in fibre, consumption of less vegetables and fruits and even water and other fluids, excessive workouts, delaying bowel movements, less frequent bowel movements, anxiety, depression, excessive travelling, spicy foods, junk foods, chronic constipation and diarrhoea and many more.
Itching, irritation while passing stools, blood in stools, dark red coloured stool, excessive pain during bowel movements, rectal and anal swelling, inflammation and sometimes excessive bleeding are the most common symptoms of piles.
Do we need treatment for piles or haemorrhoids and how long the symptoms of piles continue?
The symptoms of piles usually vanish within a few weeks during the initial stages of the disease. However, you should know why you got those symptoms in the initial stages without prolonging the situation. Therefore, better understanding of the situation and symptoms is very important to treat the disease during initial stages.
Home treatment for haemorrhoids
The diet you prefer has huge impact on your health. If you eat properly, you will be able to prevent many diseases even piles as well. In addition to your eating habits, your lifestyle is also important. Try to include variety of items in your regular diet plan, including the most vital nutrient: fibre. Fibre is very important for your digestion as it reduces constipation by easing free bowel movement and improving your gut condition.
The best home remedy is to check your diet. It should be rich in fibre. This will prevent constipation. Constipation is the real culprit for haemorrhoids. Dietary fibre helps improve digestion and when your digestion improves your bowel movements become frequent. When your bowel movement become free you will apply less strain while passing stool and ultimately the veins lining your rectum and anus feel less strained as you apply less strain and pressure on them.
Drink plenty of water as it makes your stool smooth and soft and thus help passing the stool smoothly out of anus.
Use ice packed bags around the infected anal region three to four times a day.
When you feel itching or irritations in the anal region do not rub the area.
Avoid applying excessive strain during bowel movement or while passing stool. For this to prevent, include fibre-rich diet like whole grains, vegetables, fruits.
Don’t postpone nature’s call and try it to immediately pass as often as you can.
Increase fibre in your diet.
Avoid coffee and caffeinated beverages and drinks.
Avoid using perfumed soaps and tissues around the affected region.
Clear the affected area around the anus with wet towels soaked in warm water.
Sit in Luke-warm water tub a few times a day.
Eat more water, fibre and do more exercise, but not too heavy.